What to Do with Unwanted Gifts?

So what now? The holidays are over and you’re starring at the pile of gifts you got, grateful, but unsure of what to do with everything….I know because I’m starring at mine.

I’m wondering how I’m going to fit them back into my suitcase. And especially if your New Years Resolution has anything to do with decluttering…..the holidays might not leave you in a good starting position.

What should I do with unwanted gifts?

Let’s be honest, you probably got a few Christmas gifts that you didn’t want, already have, or won’t use. And you probably don't want to hurt the gift giver's feelings especially if they're a close friend or family member.

Whatever you do...PLEASE don’t throw them away! Enough trash ends up in our landfills from this festive season such as food waste, wrapping paper, plastic packaging, and unfortunately unwanted Christmas presents.

Let’s discuss what happens when items are returned and some more sustainable options for getting rid of those unwanted presents.

what to do with unwanted gifts 2023

Is Returning Unwanted Products Sustainable?

Even if you have the gift receipt and want the store credit or refund, returning isn’t as eco-conscious as many consumers believe. Due to all of the free online return policies it’s estimated that consumers are returning 95% more than five years ago.

As consumers we have it in our head that the items we return are resold, therefore, returns are harmless…right?

Do returns end up in the landfill?

YES! Unfortunately a lot of returns end up in landfills making returning goods a wasteful option.

unwanted gifts in landfill

It’s estimated that 5 billion pounds of waste is generated through returns each year, contributing 15 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. CNN reports the only half of returns make it back onto shelves.

What happens to products when they are returned?

When an item is returned to a retailer the retailer evaluates the cost. Retailers have to cover the cost for accessing the condition of the returned items and repackaging them.

It’s estimated that only 48% of what’s returned can be resold at full price depending on the item, condition, and value lost.

Unfortunately in our fast paced online society customers now expect free shipping and free returns which means the company is eating the cost of any return shipping, time evaluating the items condition, and time spent repackaging the item.

returning holiday gifts

Often times retailers find it is more economical to just throw away the returns. U.S. consumers are the biggest contributor to global returns — $221.7 billion worth a year, according to market research firm IHL.

So I encourage you to think twice about returning unwanted products. Here are a few alternatives to consider when sorting through your unwanted holiday gifts.

8 Sustainable Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted Gifts

No matter what your most unwanted Christmas gift is, we've got an idea for you!

Consider re-gifting the unwanted gifts.

There is no shame in re-gifting. In fact it’s a great sustainable alternative! Save the gift for a loved ones birthday or next Christmas and re-gift to somebody who might actually use the item or appreciate it.

We have a gift box in our closet that we keep “re-giftable” items in year round. So, if we need a last minute birthday gift, we can pull something from the box.

While some people may view this practices as cheap or tacky, I think it’s a smart sustainable practice. Its definitely an eco-friendly practice that saves money! YAY!

Host a gift exchange

Invite your friends to bring their unwanted gifts and turn it into a social event. Open a bottle of wine, set out some cheese, and trade gifts. You can trade items for goods that will be more useful to you and get rid of your unwanted products.

This prevents any unwanted gifts from ending up in the landfill and gives you some sweet new stuff to get excited about.

returning holiday presents

Resell extra gifts for cash

The holidays sure do burn a hole in our pockets! Consider reselling unwanted items to put a little cash back in your pocket, keep items out of the landfill, and find the item a new owner who might use & appreciate the item.

Try listing your items on Poshmark, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace or another website that allow for easy reselling. You can also save them for your next yard sale!

This is a win for you getting some extra cash, a win for the buyer, and a win for the environment keeping goods out of landfills.

Donate extra gifts to a thrift store or non-profit

When donating, please choose carefully WHERE you are donating! It’s best if you donate to a local non-profit you KNOW will use the items.

should you donate unwanted gifts

According to The True Cost, “only about 10% of what's donated gets sold in thrift stores” and a lot of the items end up in landfills or in third world countries (where they are also trashed).

Consider asking non-profits, a local hospital, or homeless shelters what type of items they need before you donate all your unwanted goods. If you’re donating items they need, this ensures they get used an don’t end up in the landfill.

Regardless of what you choose to do with unwanted products, I encourage you to think twice before returning the items. Reducing returns reduces the amount of new goods ending up in landfills.

Save the Gift for a White Elephant

A White elephant gift exchange is own for having fun & quirky gifts. Saving your gifts from this holiday season to use as a white elephant gift next year is a great way to reduce the stress of having to buy new items next year.


If you received unwanted clothes, linens, or other items that could be up-cycled consider exploring some DIY craft projects online. This can be a great way to keep you busy, repurpose your unwanted stuff, and create new household items or accessories that you might actually use.

Donate Books to Your Library

If you received books you already read consider reaching out to your local library to see if they take donations.

holiday book donations

Donate Toys to Local Schools

If your child received toys they already have or toys they're not interested in consider looking up local schools or shelters that might be in need of toys. This is one of the best ways to find the toy a good home and make sure it gets put to good use.

How to Avoid Receiving Unwanted Christmas Gifts

There are a few steps we can take to try to minimize the amount of unwanted gifts we receive and give. These tips can be great for any special occasion, not just with holiday gifts.

  • Have honest conversations with your immediate family and friends about the amount of waste the holidays produce. Even consider making a wish list!

  • Ask your loved ones what they want and tell your loved ones what you want. That way people get items they will actually want.

  • Focus on less stuff and more experience gifts such as movie tickets, museum tickets, a store gift card, restaurant gift cards, and more.

  • Focus on buying quality gifts instead of quantity. A lot of the holidays is people just buying a bunch of cheap items for their loved ones to put under the tree. What if instead you invested that money into one bigger item the person actually wanted? That way the item will actually get used and won't end up in a landfill. This just might even result in the perfect present!

  • Consider giving consumable products as gift such as a food item, a candle, a bottle of wine. These are items that will be used up and typically have packaging that can be recycled or reused.

If you are the recipient of an unwanted gift, I encourage you to think twice before returning the items. Reducing returns reduces the amount of new goods ending up in landfills.

For more tips & tricks on sustainable living be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media.