31 Affirmations for Social Anxiety to Boost Confidence

Social anxiety is a condition that can cause a great deal of distress and discomfort. It affects people in different ways, from feeling overwhelmed by the thought of attending social situations to persistent feelings of self-doubt. 

There's nothing worse that trying to meet new people and having anxious thoughts or negative self-talk creep in. As someone with social anxiety I know first hand.

social anxiety tips

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to help manage our social anxiety and build confidence in ourselves.

One such step is using affirmations: positive statements that encourage us to focus on our strengths and celebrate our successes.

Let's explore some examples of affirmations for social anxiety that can help you take control of your journey. 

Please note affirmations are a great tool, but not a fix for mental health struggles. Please seek professional mental health care if you feel your mental well-being could benefit. 

What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety disorder is defined by the ADAA as intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation. 

What Does Social Anxiety Look Like?

Social anxiety can impact people differently.

The National Institution of Mental Health reports symptoms may include sweat, trembling, a rapid heart rate, feeling sick to your stomach, mind going blank, difficulty making eye contact, avoiding places where there are other people, and more. 

For me I avoid eye contact, start talking faster, tend to lose my breath, and feel overstimulated making my mind a blur.

social anxiety help

This is especially common for me in large social settings. For some people social anxiety is a truly debilitating condition preventing them from being their authentic self with others. 

I've learned that I really have to mentally prepare myself before going out and using my social skills. One way I do this is by using affirmations to create a more positive mindset. This helps build up my self confidence before entering a social situation. 

Affirmations can be a great tool to add to your daily routine. Here is a list of social anxiety affirmations to tell yourself next time you have negative thoughts before a social event.

31 Affirmations for Social Anxiety

Consider saying a few of these out loud or journaling what they mean to you as a way to encourage positive thinking before entering a social situation outside of your comfort zone.

  1. I am enough.

  2. No matter what I feel, I know that I have the strength to make it through this situation.

  3. My feelings do not define me; they are simply a part of my experience.

  4. I am worthy of love and respect.

  5. My worth is not based on the opinions of others.

  6. I am capable of facing any challenge that comes my way. 

  7. I have permission to take up space and be confident in myself. 

  8. It is okay to take time for self-care and do things that make me feel good.

  9. I am allowed to express my thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement. 

  10. My uniqueness is something to be celebrated.

  1. I have the power to create a life that makes me happy and fulfilled.

  2. I am capable of being in any social situation. 

  3. I will not be judged by others for my thoughts or feelings. 

  4. I can express myself authentically, no matter who is listening. 

  5. It’s okay to take breaks when I need them from social situations if needed. 

  6. Even if I make mistakes in social situations, I can learn and grow from them. 

  7. I am allowed to take my time and not feel rushed when interacting with others. 

  8. It is okay to express my opinions even if they may be unpopular. 

  9. It’s okay to say no when asked for something or to do something that doesn’t feel right for me. 

  10. I have enough strength and resilience to face any social situation. 

  1. Social situations do not have the power to control my feelings or actions. 

  2. I am allowed to ask for help if needed in tough social situations. 

  3. It is okay to make mistakes when speaking with others, everyone does it. 

  4. I am capable of taking ownership of my thoughts and feelings in any social situation. 

  5. I have the right to be heard in a safe space without feeling scared or worried. 

  6. No matter how awkward or uncomfortable, I have the confidence to face social situations head on. 

  1. There is no need to be perfect in social situations, I can be myself and still belong. 

  2. I am allowed to take the lead in a conversation or situation if needed. 

  3. It is okay for me to use humor in any social setting even if it could be seen as slightly inappropriate. 

  4. I have the power to leave a situation if I feel too uncomfortable 

  5. I am capable of regulating my emotions while in any given social setting. 

  6. I can be both confident and kind when interacting with others. 

These affirmations are a great reminder that regardless of how anxious or uncomfortable one may feel, there is still strength and resilience to face any social situation.

Everyone has the capability to stand up for themselves, express their opinions, and take ownership of their thoughts and feelings.

Consider making up some of your own affirmations or creating affirmation cards to carry with you.

More Tips for Social Anxiety

These are a few more tips I've learned through my years in therapy and dealing with feelings of anxiety around socializing.

Create a self-care routine to unwind

For me I have to really decompress after social situations. Sometimes this means laying in bed doing nothing while I gain my energy back. Sometimes this looks like journaling about my experience. 

Ask for professional help

I know a lot of people are hesitant to seek help, but therapy has really helped me with my anxiety. Seeking professional help is a great sign of strength, courage, and shows you're ready to take that next step in finding anxiety relief.

anxiety counseling

Prioritize the Social Gatherings You Go To

Don't feel like you have to say yes to every outing. Your energy is valuable and socializing with social anxiety can be incredibly draining. Try to pick situations where you will be comfortable.

This might mean hanging out with other anxious people, being in a small group, or knowing the space you're going to be in. Over the years I've learned that I prefer meaningful connections with a few close friends over large groups.

I get overwhelmed easily by large groups and loud noises so keeping my social interactions limited to small groups has really helped me.


Journaling has been a powerful tool in my daily practice that has been incredibly helpful in my mental health journey.

With social anxiety particularly, when those thoughts creep in about saying the wrong thing in a social situation journaling helps me acknowledge the situation and release whatever happened. Writing it down really helps me let go. 

Join an online group therapy session

If you're overwhelmed by one on one therapy, group therapy might be another option. This can be a great way to connect with other people who have social anxiety.

Online group therapy can be a unique experience that leads to deep connections and possible friendships. 

Deep Breaths

Deep breathing can be a great way to bring yourself back to the present moment. There are plenty of meditation apps and YouTube videos that can provide guided breathing exercise. 

anxiety relief tips

These are all effective ways to start working on your social anxiety.

Hopefully this list of affirmations helped you identify some powerful affirmations to use during everyday activities.