Posts in Conscious Living
What is the Sustainable Fashion Movement?

Sometimes it's a struggle when you're trying to be a conscious consumer and your friends aren't on board. When my friends go to the mall, I love tagging along for the social experience, but often times it leaves me feeling sad that there is SO much fast fashion. Sometimes it makes me feel that no matter how hard I work to inform people, it's not gonna change. So I thought of a few fun ways to get your friends excited about sustainable fashion, get the conscious conversation started, and socialize with your crew.

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How I Went from Shopaholic to Conscious Consumer

Being a conscious consumer is being aware of what you’re buying and shopping based on your values. Each purchase reflects your consumer values and creates demand within the industry. For those who may have the luxury of spending, there comes a great responsibility of using purchase power wisely and demanding quality products for the greater good. 

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