Jackalo: Sustainable Kids Clothing Crafted to Last

Jackalo is a sustainable brand of children’s clothing that is ethically made and crafted to last. This kid’s clothing brand encourages parents to invest in high quality products for their children & take part in circular fashion. Great lessons to start teaching kids at a young age!

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Kid’s Clothing Crafted to Last

After graduate school and a career transition Jackalo founder, Marianna, wanted to bring more positive environmental impact into her life. As a mother, she had always been a fan of hand-me-downs & secondhand clothes, but frustrated with the fact that most children tore through their clothing. She decided to take matters into her own hands and launch Jackalo, a sustainable kids clothing brand crafted to last. Jackalo apparel is designed with comfort and function in mind. The versatile designs are easily able to transition from playground to dinner while keeping children stylish. Jackalo has recently expanded into adult clothing too! Kids and parents can match their ethical and sustainable clothing!

Sustainable Materials Used for Jackalo Clothing

When launching Jackalo, Marianna wanted to use materials that would positively impact the quality of the clothes and the environment. Jackalo designs use different weaves of organic cotton such as twill, panama, and canvas. Jackalo clothing is ethically made in Portugal allowing Marianna to visit the factory to ensure ethical practices and quality garments.

Secondhand Clothing for Kids

Marianna’s love for hand-me-downs between children has led to an innovative program in Jackalo’s business model. Jackalo’s Trade Up initiative allows parents to send out-grown Jackalo apparel back in exchange for a 20% discount on their next purchase. Jackalo will then wash, clean, and repair (if needed) and resell them at a discounted rate. Since children tend to be rougher on their clothes, there are usually not as many secondhand clothing options for growing children. Through the Trade Up initiative, Jackalo is addressing this problem and supporting circular fashion! YAY!

Jackalo Review

I LOVE Jackalo’s mission because too often parents view children’s clothes as disposable since kids are always growing. Jackalo is taking a stand and encouraging parents to invest in quality products that will last, can be passed down, and reworn. Their unique Trade Up initiative is addressing a need for second hand children’s clothing and allowing parents to explore ethical, sustainable clothing at a discounted rate.

The durability of the pants is very clear and I appreciate the unique style of the apparel. Jackalo’s style is very versatile focusing on colors that easily go with other garments such as grey, berry, and blue.

If you’re in the D.C. area I encourage you to check out Jackalo’s pop-up April 28th at Shopkeeper’s. Details for this event can be found here.

Thank you to Jackalo for sponsoring this post and being part of The Honest Consumer community. Sponsored posts help keep The Honest Consumer up as a free resource to everyone looking to learn more about conscious consumerism.

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