5 Ethical Leather Brands Making a Difference

Leather can be a controversial material in the ethical and sustainable fashion industry.

The decision to wear or support leather brands largely depends on your personal values and ethics. If you choose not to purchase animal products then leather might not be for you.

For me personally, I believe not all leather is created equally and I think some leather brands are better than others. Let’s explore!

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Why Are Ethically Made Leather Goods Important?

Leather products provide a lot of employment opportunities in developing countries.

People in developing communities are very focused on using the resources they have which typically involves leather.

Steady jobs through the creation of leather goods allows community members to lift themselves out of poverty & support their families.

When I visited Haiti I was able to witness the impact leather goods and sustainable employment can have on families.

These brands are focusing on ethically made leather bags, shoes, and accessories.

I encourage you to support as their missions help provide steady jobs in developing communities and encourage individuals to rise above poverty.

Ethical Leather Brands to Shop

If you’re looking for ethical brands that value fair labor and creating a more sustainable industry, this list a great place to start.

Nisolo: Minimalist Style

Nisolo is a certified B Corporation crafting high quality, ethically made leather goods using fair trade practices.

Through their sustainable leather shoes, Nisolo provides steady employment opportunities for shoemakers in Peru & Mexico, allowing artisans to support themselves and their families.

Nisolo uses sustainable practices such as eco-friendly waste disposal systems, leather byproducts from the meat industry, & carbon offsetting to craft leather goods that are meant to last a life time.

Darzah: Ethical Leather Bags & Stylish Shoes

Darzah is a non-profit that is part of a project of Child's Cup Full, a non-profit women's economic empowerment initiative.

Darzah’s work is focused in Palestine working to provide training and job opportunities for some of the most marginalized individuals in the northern region.

Darazah is a Fair Trade Federation member ensuring they treat their employees well, pay them fairly, and provide a safe working environment.

Darzah’s products encompass beautiful stitching techniques combined with long lasting leather.

Lazarus Artisan Goods: High Quality Leather Goods

ethically made leather products

Lazarus Artisan Goods crafts high quality leather products in Honduras and Haiti and focusing on community development.

Through their non-profit, Mission Lazarus, team members focus on three core areas in the community: education, medical, and agricultural outreaches.

The three components of Mission Lazarus are carried out through the social enterprise, Lazarus Artisan Goods, and a spiritual approach which focuses on the growth of the whole individual, not simply just providing jobs.

Mission Lazarus has schools in Honduras and Haiti both offering academic and vocational programs side by side. 

The vocational school focuses on skills such as leather working, welding, and sewing.

Upon completion of the vocational program some graduates are offered a job creating Mission Lazarus products. In 2017, Lazarus Artisan Goods employed 100 individuals full-time and 50 individuals seasonally in Honduras with an additional 20 community members employed in Haiti.

Lazarus Artisan Goods are incredibly high quality with a wide range in product.

Their products have life time guarantee, if something goes wrong with the stitching or craft of the product Lazarus Artisan Goods will replace the item for customers.

ABLE: Fun & Fashionable

ABLE employs and empowers women living in developing countries to create economic growth and reduce poverty.

Women are paid fair wages and provided with a safe work environment.  

ABLE chooses to invest in women because when women are paid well and empowered, this makes their children less vulnerable to poverty.

ABLE’s leather products are mainly produced in Ethiopia, as ABLE’s founder lived in Ethiopia and witnessed the poverty first hand. ABLE’s products are fun, fashion forward, and designed for the modern woman.

Haiti Made: Affordable Leather Accessories

ethical leather brands

Haiti Made is empowering Haitians through sustainable employment, fair wages, and community.

Their beautiful leather products are handmade by dedicated employees and crafted using locally sourced leather. 

As Haitians are incredibly dedicated workers, founder Will wanted to start a social enterprise that would empower the Haitians to learn new skills, pay fair wages, and encourage Haitians to lift themselves out of poverty.  

It is reported that one job in Haiti supports up to fifteen people because of the tight-knit, family oriented culture (Haiti Made).

Therefore, sustainable employment is one of the key components for a brighter future.

As of 2017, this amazing social enterprise has provided employment for 35 Haitians. Haiti Made carries a fun mix of leather accessories, home goods, and travel products.

Hopefully this guide has helped you find some brands that value fair trade practices.

For more tips & tricks on ethical fashion be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media.