Let your dog live an eco-friendly lifestyle with these amazing sustainable pet products. Discover more ethical & sustainable brands by heading back to the main page of our Ethical & Eco-friendly Brand Directory. Our brand directory does feature some affiliate links.

real grass patches for dogs

 Doggie Lawn

The Doggie Lawn grass patches are biodegradable making them incredibly eco-friendly. This subscription is great for dogs living in apartments, small spaces, or new puppies. Doggie Lawn also gives back to rescue animals by donating toys & supplies.

doggie lawn grass patches

ethically made dog clothes

Long Dog Clothing

Long Dog Clothing is ethically made in America using eco-conscious materials. This pet brand gives back by donating 15% of proceeds to rescue dogs through their local partnerships.

sustainable pet clothes

eco-friendly dog products

Public Goods

Public Goods is a one stop shop for healthy, sustainable,
everyday essentials. Their pet section features plant based dog waste bags, natural pet foods, & more.

eco-friendly cat products

Savvy Rest

Savvy Rest offers non-toxic pet beds made with natural, organic latex and featuring removable organic cotton covers for easy cleaning. Savvy Rest also offers platform dog bed frames made from sustainably sourced wood and Zero-VOC stains.

UpRoot Design Studio

UpRoot Design Studio is an independent small business owned by artist Julia Barry. UpRoot Design Studio offers organic cotton pet bandanas featuring vibrant designs.

For more tips & tricks on sustainable living be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media.